Collection: "The beauty that lies beneath."

No**Exploring the Creative Universe of Ruben Beltran Guerra**

In the vibrant world of visual arts, Ruben Beltran Guerra emerges as a prominent figure, a painter and landscape artist, a master whose work has left an indelible mark on the Cuban art scene and beyond. With an artistic journey spanning both Cuba and Europe, as well as the United States, Ruben has woven a visual tapestry that encapsulates cultural richness and a diversity of experiences.

From the early strokes in his native Cuba, Ruben demonstrated an innate connection to the landscapes and stories that surrounded him. His vibrant palette and ability to capture the essence of nature and everyday life soon garnered attention from critics and art enthusiasts alike. The mastery with which Maestro Ruben transforms canvases into windows to emotional and aesthetic worlds is unique.

When asked why human figures were not present in his work, the artist responded, "My works are filled with people; every old tile, every crack in the wall, every peeling paint, every old fence has a life story."

Ruben Beltran Guerra's works oscillate between the intrinsic passion of his native Cuba and the exquisite technique developed during years of genuine growth. Every stroke by Ruben Beltran Guerra tells a story. His exhibitions have resonated in renowned galleries (Riffe Gallery Ohio, [link]( and independent spaces alike, solidifying his position as a cherished and respected artist on multiple stages.

Today, Ruben Beltran is not only a masterful painter and landscape artist but also a master of Cuban plastic arts who shares his knowledge and passion with future generations. His legacy endures in every brushstroke, inspiring others to explore the limits of creativity and artistic expression.

"What you receive when buying from us."

"Not only do you receive a first-rate reproduction of the incredible work of Maestro Beltran, but you also receive a certificate that validates you as the owner, granting you the freedom to sell or collect it, but not to reproduce it."