Cookies policy

Cookie Policy

This website uses both first-party and third-party cookies to enhance your browsing experience, allow you to share content on social media, and gather user statistics.

You can prevent the download of cookies by configuring your browser settings to avoid storing cookies on your device.

As the owner of this website, I want to inform you that we do not use any personal information obtained from cookies. We only generate general visit statistics that do not involve any personal information.

It is crucial that you read and understand this cookie policy. By continuing to browse, you are consenting to the use of cookies.

According to the terms outlined in Article 22.2 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, if you continue browsing, you are giving your consent for the use of these mechanisms.

Data Controller The entity responsible for the collection, processing, and use of your personal data, as defined by the Personal Data Protection Law, is Unexpected Beauty, owned by Art Design Essence – 5161 San Felipe Street, Suite 320-5657.

What are Cookies? Cookies are sets of data that a server deposits in the user's browser to collect standard internet log information and visitor behavior on a website. In other words, they are small text files stored on the hard drive that identify the user when reconnecting to the website. Their purpose is to record the user's visit and save certain information. Cookies are common on the web, enabling pages to function more efficiently and providing greater personalization and analysis of user behavior.

Types of Cookies The cookies used on our website are session and third-party cookies, allowing us to store and access information related to language, the type of browser used, and other general user-defined characteristics. We also track and analyze user activity to make improvements and provide services more efficiently and personalized.

Based on their duration, cookies can be divided into session or persistent cookies. Session cookies expire when the user closes the browser, while persistent cookies expire based on when they fulfill their purpose (e.g., keeping the user identified in Art Design Essence services) or when manually deleted.

Name Type Expiration Purpose Class __utma Third-party (Google Analytics) 2 years Used to distinguish users and sessions. Non-essential __utmb Third-party (Google Analytics) 30 minutes Used to determine new sessions or visits. Non-essential __utmc Third-party (Google Analytics) End of session Configured for use with Urchin. Non-essential __utmz Third-party (Google Analytics) 6 months Stores the origin or campaign explaining how the user reached the website. Non-essential Additionally, based on their purpose, cookies can be classified as follows:

Performance Cookies This type of cookie remembers your preferences for tools in the services, eliminating the need to reconfigure the service each time you visit. Examples include volume settings for video or audio players, video streaming speeds compatible with your browser, and items saved in the shopping cart for e-commerce services.

Geolocation Cookies These cookies determine the country in which the user is located when a service is requested. This cookie is entirely anonymous and is only used to help tailor content to your location.

Log-in Cookies Login cookies are generated once the user registers or subsequently logs in. They are used to identify users in services with the following objectives:

Maintain user identification, so if they close a service, the browser, or the computer, and later return to the service on another day, they will remain identified, facilitating navigation without having to log in again. This functionality can be eliminated if the user clicks the [log out] feature, deleting this cookie. The next time the user enters the service, they will have to log in to be identified again.

Check if the user is authorized to access certain services, for example, to participate in a contest.

Additionally, some services may use connectors with social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. When the user registers for a service with social network credentials, they authorize the social network to save a persistent cookie that remembers their identity and guarantees access to the services until it expires. The user can delete this cookie and revoke access to services through social networks by updating their preferences on the specified social network.

Analytics Cookies Whenever a user visits a service, a tool from an external provider generates an analytical cookie on the user's computer. This cookie, generated only during the visit, will serve in future visits to Art Design Essence services to anonymously identify the visitor. The main objectives are:

Allow the anonymous identification of browsing users through the cookie (identifying browsers and devices, not individuals), and therefore, the approximate counting of the number of visitors and their trend over time. Anonymously identify the most visited content and therefore the most attractive to users. Know if the accessing user is new or a repeat visitor.

Important: Unless the user decides to register for an Art Design Essence service, the cookie will never be associated with any personal data that could identify them. These cookies will only be used for statistical purposes to help optimize the user experience on the site.

Advertising Cookies This type of cookie expands the information of the ads shown to each anonymous user in Art Design Essence services. Among other things, it stores the duration or frequency of display of advertising positions, interaction with them, or user navigation patterns and/or behavior, helping to create a profile of advertising interest. Third-party advertising cookies

In addition to the advertising managed by Art Design Essence websites in their services, Art Design Essence websites offer their advertisers the option to serve ads through third parties ("Ad-Servers"). Thus, these third parties can store cookies sent from Art Design Essence services from users' browsers and access the data stored in them.

The companies that generate these cookies have their privacy policies. Currently, Art Design Essence websites use the DoubleClick platform (Google) to manage these services. For more information, visit and

How Can I Disable Cookies in My Browser? You can configure different browsers to notify the user of the receipt of cookies and, if desired, prevent their installation on the computer. Likewise, users can check their browser to see which cookies are installed and their expiration date, allowing them to delete them.

For more information, consult the instructions and manuals of your browser:

For more information on managing cookies in Google Chrome:

For more information on managing cookies in Internet Explorer:

For more information on managing cookies in Mozilla Firefox:

For more information on managing cookies in Safari:

For more information on managing cookies in Opera:

If you want to stop being tracked by Google Analytics, visit:

To learn more about cookies You can find more information about online behavioral advertising and online privacy at the following link:

Google Analytics data protection:

How Google Analytics uses cookies:


In compliance with the information duty established in Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE) of July 11, the following general information about this website is provided:

This website,, (hereinafter, the Website) is owned by: Art Design Essence, with NIF: [insert NIF], and whose contact details are:

Address: 5161 San Felipe Street, Suite 320-5657

Contact phone: 3464942566

Contact email:

The purpose of the conditions: The Website
The purpose of these General Terms of Use (hereinafter, Terms) is to regulate access and use of the Website. For the purposes of these Conditions, the Website shall be understood as: the external appearance of the screen interfaces, both statically and dynamically, i.e., the navigation tree; and all elements integrated in both the screen interfaces and the navigation tree (hereinafter, Contents) and all those services or online resources that may be offered to Users (hereinafter, Services).

Art Design Essence reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the Website and the Contents and Services that may be incorporated into it. The User acknowledges and accepts that at any time Art Design Essence may interrupt, deactivate, and/or cancel any of these elements integrated into the Website or access to them.

User access to the Website is free and, as a general rule, is free of charge without the User having to provide any consideration to enjoy it, except for the cost of connection through the telecommunications network supplied by the access provider contracted by the User.

The use of any of the Contents or Services of the Website may be done by subscribing or registering the User in advance.

The User
Access, browsing, and use of the Website, as well as the spaces enabled to interact between Users, and the User and Art Design Essence, such as comments and/or blogging spaces, confer the status of User, so they accept, from the beginning of navigation on the Website, all the Conditions established here, as well as their subsequent modifications, without prejudice to the application of the corresponding legally mandatory regulations as the case may be. Given the relevance of the foregoing, it is recommended that the User read them each time they visit the Website.

The Art Design Essence Website provides a wide variety of information, services, and data. The User assumes responsibility for the correct use of the Website. This responsibility extends to:

The use of information, Contents, and/or Services and data offered by Art Design Essence that is not contrary to these Conditions, the Law, morality, or public order, or that may otherwise infringe the rights of third parties or the proper functioning of the Website.
The truthfulness and legality of the information provided by the User in the forms provided by Art Design Essence for access to certain Contents or Services offered by the Website. In any case, the User will immediately notify Art Design Essence of any fact that allows the misuse of the information registered in these forms, such as, but not limited to, theft, loss, or unauthorized access to identifiers and/or passwords, in order to proceed with their immediate cancellation.
In any case, Art Design Essence will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by Users through comments or other blogging or participation tools that may exist.

Merely accessing this Website does not imply establishing any kind of commercial relationship between Art Design Essence and the User.

The User declares to be of legal age and to have sufficient legal capacity to be bound by these Conditions. Therefore, this Art Design Essence Website is not directed at minors. Art Design Essence declines any responsibility for non-compliance with this requirement.

The Website is primarily aimed at Users residing in the United States. Art Design Essence does not guarantee that the Website complies with the laws of other countries, either in whole or in part. If the User resides or has their domicile elsewhere and decides to access and/or browse the Website, they will do so at their own risk, and they must ensure that such access and navigation comply with the local legislation that is applicable to them, with Art Design Essence assuming no responsibility that may arise from such access.

Art Design Essence does not guarantee the continuity, availability, and usefulness of the Website, nor of the Contents or Services. Art Design Essence will do everything possible for the proper functioning of the Website; however, it is not responsible or guarantees that access to this Website will not be uninterrupted or error-free.

Nor is it responsible or guarantees that the content or software that may be accessed through this Website is error-free or causes damage to the User's computer system (software and hardware). In no case will Art Design Essence be liable for losses, damages, or harms of any kind arising from access, browsing, and use of the Website, including, but not limited to, those caused to computer systems or those caused by the introduction of viruses.

Art Design Essence is also not responsible for any damages that may be caused to users due to improper use of this Website. In particular, it is not responsible in any way for falls, interruptions, lack, or defects in telecommunications that may occur.

Art Design Essence does not offer or market, by itself or through third parties, the products and/or services available on such linked sites.

The User or third party who establishes a hyperlink from a web page of another, different, website to the Art Design Essence Website should know that:

The reproduction—total or partial—of any of the Contents and/or Services of the Website is not allowed without the express authorization of Art Design Essence.

Nor is any false, inaccurate, or incorrect statement about the Art Design Essence Website, or its Contents and/or Services, allowed.

Except for the hyperlink, the website where such hyperlink is established will not contain any element of this Website protected as intellectual property by Spanish law, without the express authorization of Art Design Essence.

The establishment of the hyperlink does not imply the existence of relationships between Art Design Essence and the owner of the website from which it is made, nor the knowledge and acceptance of Art Design Essence of the contents, services, and/or activities offered on that website, and vice versa.

Art Design Essence, itself or as a transferee, is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights of the Website, as well as the elements contained therein (including, but not limited to, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts, trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access, and use, etc.). Therefore, they will be protected works as intellectual property by Spanish law, and both Spanish and community regulations in this field, as well as international treaties on the subject and signed by Spain, will be applicable to them.

All rights reserved. Pursuant to the Intellectual Property Law, the total or partial reproduction, distribution, and public communication, including the modality of making available, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, on any support and by any technical means, is expressly prohibited without the authorization of Art Design Essence.